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Bo 王

助理教授 | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


Educational Background

Ph.D. Chemistry (metabolomics), Miami University, May 2014

M.S. Chemical Engineering, Miami University, 2010

M.S. Environmental Engineering, Shandong University, China, 2007

B.S. Environmental Engineering, Shandong University, China, 2004

Selected Publications

  1. 王,B.哈伯梅尔,C. 江,L., 2022. Metabolomic analysis of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) response to glyphosate exposure. 分子组学, 18(7), pp.635-642.

  2. 沙利文H, 王B *, 江L. Investigation of tropical plant-based natural dyes combination and adsorption optimization for natural dye-sensitized solar cell. Environmental Progress & 可持续能源, e13809. DOI: In press (*Co-Corresponding author)

  3. 江L, 沙利文H, 王B *. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Loading and Statistical Tests for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) Metabolomics Involving Multiple Study Groups. 分析信. 2022: DOI: 10.1080/00032719.2021.2019758. In press (*Corresponding author)

  4. 江,我, Seligman, C; 王,B *. NMR based metabolomics study on sea anemones Aiptasia Pallida under atrazine exposure. 分子组学, 2021, doi: 10.1039/D1MO00223F (*Co-Corresponding author)

  5. 王,B.*,蒋莉. Principal component analysis applications in COVID-19 genome sequences studies. Cognitive Computation. 2021, 1-12 (*Corresponding author)

  6. 王,B *., Maldonado-Devincci, A.M.蒋利. Evaluating line-broadening factors on a reference spectrum as a bucketing method for NMR based metabolomics. Analytical Biochemistry, 113872, 2020 (Corresponding author)

  7. 江,我.; Howlett, K.; 帕特森,K.; 王,B *., Introduction of a New Method for Two-Dimensional NMR Quantitative Analysis in Metabolomics Studies. Analytical Biochemistry 2020, 113692. (Corresponding author)

  8. 艾哈迈迪,年代.; 王, S.; Nagpal, R.; 王,B.; 耆那教徒的.; Razazan, A.; Mishra, S. P.; Zhu, X.; 王, Z.; Kavanagh, K., A human-origin probiotic cocktail ameliorates aging-related leaky gut and inflammation via modulating microbiota-taurine-tight junction axis. 江森自控的洞察力 2020.

  9. 艾哈迈迪,年代.; Razazan, A.; Nagpal, R.; 耆那教徒的.; 王,B.; Mishra, S. P.; 王, S.; Justice, J.; Ding, J.; McClain, D. A., Metformin reduces aging-related leaky gut and improves cognitive function by beneficially modulating gut microbiome/goblet cell/mucin axis. The Journals of Gerontology: A系列2020.

  10. 帕特森,K.; Howlett, K.; 帕特森,K.; 王,B *.; 江,我., Photodegradation of Ibuprofen and Four Other Pharmaceutical Pollutants on Natural Pigments Sensitized TiO2 nanoparticles. Water Environment 研究 2020. ( Co-Corresponding author)


Dr. 王’s reSearch is highly interdisciplinary and he has worked on environmental science and engineering, 太阳能电池, and metabolomics applications in human diseases and marine animals. His latest reSearch is focused on metabolomics data interpretation approaches development using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and their applications in drug effect of food compounds discovery, animal response to combinational environmental pollutants, 糖尿病, Alzheimer’s disease, and nutritional studies. He also works on instrumentation analysis using NMR and HPLC/MS in natural compounds discoveries for drug effects, natural dye studies for 太阳能电池, and environmental pollutants photodegradation. Dr. 王 also serves on the editorial boards of journals such as Statistical Methods in Medical 研究, and his reSearch has been funded by NSF, NIH, DOD, and USDA.  
